Tuesday 29 November 2011

Are you worried about the environment?

What is the most important issue facing the environment today? Do you think we should be worried? Do you ever talk about the problems related to the environment at home or with your friends?


  1. I think that the most important thing nowadays is the scarcity of water and the waste of water. Water is called the "Blue gold" for a reason. Without water we can not live. That's why it is going to be more important than gold, money and such as things..

  2. I am worried, because we don't own this world, we hold it in trust for our children and our grandchildren. If there is something that we can do to preserve our world and make it better, then we should do it so that the world we pass on to them is still liveable.

  3. We, the new generation, have the task to preserve this important re source and don’t waste it, because the water at this time is more important than money.
    In Italy people don’t know the importance of water and in addition we waste it, while in Africa people died because of the lack of water. We have to think about this.

  4. Yes I am worried because our world is changing a lot and not in positive because of us.
    We should do something to preserve the place where we live making the best as we can.

  5. I think that all of us are worried about this environment. First of all i think that people have to understand the value of the water. Nowadays it is more important than gold. Why? Because how we can see in many poorest land, people died and keep dying, not because of the gold but because of the lack of water!

  6. I'm worried as I think everyone about the problems related to the environment. They are numerous and increasing because of us. We waste water that is in my opinion the most precious asset, infact it's nowadays considered more important than gold.

  7. I am very worried, just like the rest of the sensible people on earth. I thimk that we are facing a slow decay of the world around us, and we have no one but ourselves to blame!
    All our resorces are ending, there is global warming which will make the water rises and flood our cities.
    I think there are no bigger and smaller problems,
    all of them are very worring and we should all be consuming less water and recycling, to save our trees.
    I say our, but obviously this world isn't ours, and we should remember that our actions will riflect on the future generations.

  8. Yes, I am worried because peolpe think that water is endless and of course it is not true. We have to find a possible solution to save this world that can not survive if we still behave like that.
    So care about this problem and remember that water is life.

  9. I think all the people on earth are worried.
    The people behave without thinking, for example we always use the car while we should use bycicles, trains or bus.
    I'm very worried in particular for the next generation
