Sunday 27 November 2011

Let's warm up with Avatar!

Here's a nice activity to warm up and start thinking about environmental issues.

Go to

and do the activities in pairs.

1 comment:

  1. The ad is about Danacol, a sort of yoghurt that should reduce the quantity of cholesterol.
    The techniques used in the ad are the following: celebrity endorsement, because it is promoted by Raffaella CarrĂ ; personal testimonial, in fact the ad takes place in the italian village of Castell'Arquato and the product is promoted by its own inhabitants. Another techniques used is the product quality because, as the ad says, the efficacy of the product has been demostrated by the Policlinico Gemelli.
    The ad is targeting to people, female and male, aged over 40 or, in general, who has cholesterol problems.
    Furthermore the ad advices to do sport and have a health diet when taking Danacol.
    I think that if a had cholesterol problems that product wouldn't improve my life, and that doing sport and eat healthy food is enough to be fine.
