Sunday 4 December 2011

Bad water kills more children than war.

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  1. I like this picture so much..
    It's true, Bad water kills more children than war.
    Unfortunately in underdeveloped countries water misses or is really dirty.
    But there are many ways to make the situation better. For example, when I was in the primary school my classmates and I made a sort of market and the money raised from it was donated to UNICEF.
    They built 2 wells in Somalia.
    A well does'n cost so much but it could save many children and not only children's life.

  2. Well, I can not say that I like this photo, because it is so sad and it makes me feel guilty of living in a rich country, where the problem of water does not exist; but I agree with the sentence that bad water kills more children than war, because in poor countries there is few water and there are many persons that need it. It is really upsetting thinking about that... :(

  3. I totally agree with Agnese. This photo has a really hard impact because it makes you realize that the problem of scarsity of water is not so distant from us and people die by drinking dirty water. I admit that first I didn't like this blog project but now I really enjoy it and I encourage teachers all over the world to make a careful study on this topic to make everyone understand the importance of water.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I like this photo because of it's double meaning.
    It also makes you think about the consequences of bad water. Before seeing this photo I thought that only the lack of water made people die, but know I realize that the real problem is that it is not drinkable.
    I think that many people do not know this, and that our society should advertize it more.
    As Susy ~ said, it is not very expensive by our standards to build wells, and we could all easily help.

  6. This photo is meaningful because it shows in an easy way how much the lack of water surrounds us. We don't really realize it because our country doesn't have such big problems, but looking at other's coutries situations I totally agree with saying that bad water kill more people than war.

  7. I agree with Agnese because this photo is very sad, but also significative. Unfortunately this is very true: bad water kills more children than war. I think that this problem is really common in poor countries and, how Alexandra say, we don't realize it because our country doesn't have this big problem.
