Saturday 10 December 2011

world water day


  1. This video is dramatic too, because it gives information like the consumption of water to produce only one person's food for A DAY that is between 2,000 and 5,000 litres and we have to remember that in the last 30 years food production has increased more than 100 percent. In my opinion it means that, in other 30 years (or perhaps less), it will still grow a lot. I can not say that it is unbelievable, because it already is.

  2. It is so incredible to understand how much water people waste doing useless things when in Africa people die and they fight for a day of life. For example I think that from now I will try to do not use that much water doing more showers per day or things like that.

  3. Here in Italy it is hard to believe that there is such a shortage of water.
    Once someone told me that the world's water is comparable to a bucket of water, of which only a tea spoon is drinkable.
    We could be doing much more to limit our water consumption, for example using undrinkable water to water our gardens or even recycling plastic and paper, but still many of us don't even make a small effort. I think that this is because they don't realise that even the smallest gesture can make a difference.

  4. I only think that we often don't realize the things around us because we live in a society where there is everything we need and sometime we take things for granted. Knowing about people that suffer is important because we should start to pay more attention in what we do, expecially little things..

  5. This video is really significative. It makes you think on how much water is important, how much is vital and precious. The fact to take in consideration is that 1.1 billion people worldwide lack access to clean water; it means that the water is not fairly divided. In my opinion we need to do not waste water in our everyday society because water, sometimes it is hard to think, is the most precious possession we have.
