Sunday 18 December 2011

water footprint

Do you know what is meant by water footprint?

We'll soon explore this topic together, but as an introduction, please watch and listen to Angela Morelli, an Italian information designer based in London, who tries to explain the meaning of water footprint in a simple language and with visuals and examples.
Make notes while watching. Post your comments.

Angela Morelli - The Global Water Footprint of Humanity


  1. woow, i have never thought about the consume of water behind 1 kilo meet: 6000 liter.It's a schocking discovery for me that according to water footprint the water's consume is 3800 liter per day for each person. This was a very interesting and informative video with lots of usefull information. Hope we'll soon explore this topic

  2. I really enjoyed this video because I found it very impressive and helpful to improve the awareness of the consume of water. I've never thought about the amount of water used to produce a product such as an indicator to add to the consume of water. The most surprising thing is the global water footprint of humanity, that is liters per year used by all of us.

  3. This video is very intresting and helps people to think about the water consume. water is the building block of the food, so it's vital to food production. It's icredible that the water footprint of humanity is liters. This number is refer to a 6.6 bilion people,so more then one million for each one of us per year !! Unbelievable. Therefore saving water is realy important.

  4. First of all the video is very good and Angela Morelli explained with simple words a topic that is really dramatic. I have never thought about the consumption of water in relation with the production of clothes, cotton and paper, because I always think about the consumption of water for cooking, washing and drinking. And above all she made me think more about our planet. Then she said that the water footprint is the national water used for domestic needs plus the national water used for food and goods. It is unbelievable that 6000 litres of water are used to produce only 1 kilo pork meat and is more incredible discover that the litres of water used in a year by all of us are 9,087,000,000,000,000. However I think this is an important topic and everyone should know and understand it; we could do this by worring about how much water we consume or waste every day.

  5. One sentence in particular had an hard impact for me : "There is an ocean in everything we wear, we drink, we eat, we seal, we buy". I think that this sentence says everything without an explanation. Us, everyone is really influential in saving water, also if a small quantity, that is fundamental.

  6. This video is very clear and explains in easy words a topic that is becoming everyday more important, the value of the water.
    A sentence that impressed me particulary was:" water is the building block of life", and it's true because without water we and the world surrounding us wouldn't exist at all.
    We have to understand it's value and not take it for granted.

  7. For me the most important sentence to take in consideration is MAKING VISIBLE THE INVISIBLE...
    I think that 15.400 litres for 1 KILO Beef is an incredible waste of water that comparing with the litres of water used in a year by all of us, 9,087,000,000,000,000 is really amazing.
    This video help the people to feel a great remorse for all the water that we waste.

  8. I’ve found this video really interesting and full of useful information, that are important to know. The topic that Angela Morelli explains involved all of us. The most surprising thing is how much water is hidden in food, clothes, paper and so on.
    In contrast to the population that is always growing, water is limited and we waste it.
    It is nowadays more important than gold.It’s incredible and unbelivable the number of liters of water that all of us use per year: Water is the basic ingredient of our body and without it we can not survive. So all of us have to save water also for the future generations that will find in huge trouble.

  9. I found this video really interesting and I descovered new information about water and his consume. It's very schocking that the consume of water behind one kilo meet is 6000 liter!! But the most schocking thing was that the world water footprints of humanity is the incredible number of liter per year!!!
    But all this topic is very interesting. I really enjoyed this video and I think it's simple to follow what Angela explane :)

  10. I found this video very interesting and well done. Angela Morelli was able to explain, in simple terms and with the help of some photos, a useful argument. The numbers that she has presented were very shocking. I think everyone should save water as much as possible because without water there would be nothing.
