Thursday 19 January 2012


Divertente pubblicità nuova New Beetle 2011.mp4

This is the publicity I chose.


In the ad that I chose is advertised a bottle of water called "Rocchetta". The ad emply the advertising technique of celebrity endorsement, in fact Alessandro Del Piero and Cristina Chiabotto promote the product. The message of the ad is that this water purify and help us to remove waste from our body. By doing this we will look clean inside and beautiful outside. I think that the ad is targeting adults but also teenagers both males and females. This ad is trying to convince you to buy this water by telling that it is good for you. I think it isn't misleading, maybe because it's only a simple message and buy or buy not this kind of water didn't improve my life because there are many kind of water but in my opinion there are all very similar.
Appearance, price, recommendation and also popularity had most influenced my decision in things that I have bought recently. I think that these are not very good reasons to buy the product and in the future maybe I will look also the environmental damage caused by creating the product because I think that's important. :)

Acqua Lete - La Particella di Sodio in... IMMENSITA' - Spot TV

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Shopping shopping shopping

"The point of an advertisement is to make us unhappy with what we have"

Do you agree with this statement?

Ad Analysis

Choose an ad you've seen on TV, on the net, in the streets.. and post your analysis. Consider these aspects:
What product is advertised? What do you find appealing? What techniques does the ad employ? (humour, celebrity endorsement, image, product quality..) What is its message? Do you think it's misleading? Do you think the product advertised would improve your life? Are there more sustainable alternatives to buying this product, alternatives that would have a more positive impact on local and global economies, society and the environment?