Thursday 19 January 2012

Acqua Lete - La Particella di Sodio in... IMMENSITA' - Spot TV

1 comment:

  1. In this ad is advertised a kind of water, 'acqua lete'. The advertisimg technique is humor, the ad is funny. The message is that the water is healthy because it contains few sodium, that is not very good for our organism. The first thing about the ad that immediatly apeals to me was the finny song. I think this ad turns expecially to childern or adult, but not too old people because it's a simply and informal communication. It gets out in some way that the is important to choose it because it's good for you. I never drunk that water so i can not say if it's really good or the ad is misleading but i think that also the tap water is poor of sodium. So it is misleading not because it tells lies or is persuading but because you can have nearly the same water at home without buying it. So I don't think that buy it or not might change or improve our life. For the enviroment is would be better not to buy this product, unless you have not tap water at home, because of the battle that are very damaging. So the better alternative to buy it should be not to buy it :) In things i recently bought (like make-up and dresses)popularity, price and raccomandation most influenced my decision. I think these are not very good reasons to buy a product, in the future i should also control labor (to know how the workers are treated and paid), enviromental impact (to know if the product or the production of the product is damaging for the enviroment).
