Tuesday 17 January 2012

Shopping shopping shopping

"The point of an advertisement is to make us unhappy with what we have"

Do you agree with this statement?


  1. The advertisement that I've chosen advertises a famous brand of clothing.It's promoted by a famous singer and it catches your attention because it's a funny picture and the model looks cool and sexy.
    What immediately appeals me is how the model looks in those clothes. I think that this ad tries to target especially women of every age. I think that in a way is misleading because it says that buying those chothes you will be able to help the UNICEF because they donate 25% to support UNICEF but you actually don't need necessary to buy something to give a hand.
    I don't think that the product advertised is something that would improve my life, because it's very expensive and it's not essential. In alternative to this people could buy cheaper clothes in order to support economy and the enviroment.
    When I buy what most influences me is: appearance, which is how the product look because it's the most important thing, then the durability, price, and sometimes popularity.
    I think that these are good reasons to buy a product.

  2. I completely agree with the statement above! In my family we often discuss about advertising, because my parents would prefer that me and my brother wouldn't watch too much tv because of the advertising that send us lot of bad messages! They tell as that we don't have the right things, that we could be better if we had more dresses or eletical appliances, but not every kind of those things, only the things they show us are perfect. And sometime we start thinking that we shoul buy a new pair of shoes just because the old one is no more popular.. I think that many people should start to think with their head, me too.

  3. I also agree with the above statement, in fact I think that is the exact goal of publicity: to make us feel like our life is incomplete and to be happy we really need this product. Often during the adverts, I will take Mulino Bianco as an example, they show us a happy family that all seem to have nothing to do all day and that live in a beautiful house in the middle of the country, having a lovely day just because for breakfast they eat these biscuits. Obviously These are only biscuits and CAN'T make you happy for more than a few minutes.

  4. Not all the advertisements are misleading and send us wrong messages that could be spend a lot of money, because you need always something new. I think also that ,unfortunately, most of the advertisements make us unhappy with what we have, so I agree with the post. The fact is that the big brands and the multinationals want always make more money as they can, so the advertisements persuades you to buy something;which probably you do not need.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. In a hand I agree with this statement, because often advertisements make you feel unsatisfied of the things you have; but in the other hand I do not agree, because if a person knows that most of the advertisements mislead people he/she also knows that he/she has to think with his/her mind. So I believe that who is unhappy and wants more is easily attracted by misleading advertisements. Instead, people who are able to think properly and know what is correct to do, do not care about the message that an ad wants to give to them.
