Tuesday 17 January 2012

Ad Analysis

Choose an ad you've seen on TV, on the net, in the streets.. and post your analysis. Consider these aspects:
What product is advertised? What do you find appealing? What techniques does the ad employ? (humour, celebrity endorsement, image, product quality..) What is its message? Do you think it's misleading? Do you think the product advertised would improve your life? Are there more sustainable alternatives to buying this product, alternatives that would have a more positive impact on local and global economies, society and the environment?


  1. I have chosen the ad called "Colgate max white one" that advertises a toothpaste. It is a really short ad, but it is funny and simple. I think the ad wants to give people a message like this: "If you buy this toothpaste your life will improve soon and you will be happier!" In this ad I found appealing the way the promoters want to sell a product that apparently is the best one. I mean, I do not think having whiter teeth in a week is a fundamental fact in our life! Moreover in my opinion the ad is targeting young people, above all teenagers, because they are easily attracted by the idea of appearing beautiful. I know...I am a teenager too; in fact when I saw the advertisement for the first time I thought it was a really good one, but then I understood that it would not have changed my life and my look! And that is why I think this commercial is misleading.
    Usually I buy a product because I am influenced by the durabilty and by the utility. And to be honest I take into account also the appearance and unfortunately even the popularity (especially for clothes). I believe the enviromental impact is an important factor to recall when you decide to buy something and in the future I will remember it, because I do not want a polluted world! :)

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSgb4D6J6v0
    I have chosen the ad of Vitasnella that advertises water. The woman in this ad looks very sexy and probably is a celebrity. The message of the ad is: “Only this water can help you to feel beautiful!" It's misleading! Because it's normally water, like water flowing from taps! But many women, watching this ad, think:"I must buy this water to be beautiful!" In fact they really don't know that bottled water polluted the world because of the production of the bottles! And drinking Vitasnella bottled water wouldn’t improve your life!
    Honestly when I buy something, like clothes, I don't think about the environmental damage cause by creating the products! But I buy a product because I’m influenced by the appearance...than how much it costs and how long it lasts!
    Finally, I agree with Agnese..I don't want a polluted world! And in future I will remember it! :)

  3. I have chosen the ad "Coca-Cola Snow Globe". Of course it is being advertised Coca Cola so the product quality is very high. It is a funny ad with music and in my opinio the message of the ad is that if you buy and drink Coca Cola you would be more happy. The message that the ad would send is helped also by the music, that I think is very significative so it plays an extremely important role because the song is very cheerful. When I saw this and I thought immediately that Coca Cola is good and tasting; it appeals good sensations. I think the advertisement is targeting to all people of all ages because everyone could drink Coca Cola. Personally I believe that this ad is misleading: the message is that you would feel better, you would be happier if you drink Coca Cola, as I sad, so is misleading. I mean, it is only a drink. Another consideration is that the advertisement shows the period of Christsmas so probably buying Coca Cola is the way to be happy and cheerful with all your family. I do not think this product would change or improve my life: I like Coca Cola very much but it is not an essential and basic product. An alternative could be drink tap water instead of buying a can or a bottle because it has a bad impact on the environment. There are aspects that influences me what to buy, for example the appearence of a product, how does it look. In very few cases also the advertisement encourage me to buy something, only if a need that product and the ad is very persuasive. I'm also influenced by how long something lasts, the utility and of course by the price, for example it is not convenient buy something it has not a high quality for a high price. Eventually I think this is a good reason to buy a product, but maybe we consider less the impact of a product on the environment and in general we take in consideration the popularity so we have to think also on the environment.

  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgtNY4QxHoM

    In this ad is advertised a kind of water, 'acqua lete'. The advertisimg technique is humor, the ad is funny. The message is that the water is healthy because it contains few sodium, that is not very good for our organism. The first thing about the ad that immediatly apeals to me was the finny song. I think this ad turns expecially to childern or adult, but not too old people because it's a simply and informal communication. It gets out in some way that the is important to choose it because it's good for you. I never drunk that water so i can not say if it's really good or the ad is misleading but i think that also the tap water is poor of sodium. So it is misleading not because it tells lies or is persuading but because you can have nearly the same water at home without buying it. So I don't think that buy it or not might change or improve our life. For the enviroment is would be better not to buy this product, unless you have not tap water at home, because of the battle that are very damaging. So the better alternative to buy it should be not to buy it :) In things i recently bought (like make-up and dresses)popularity, price and raccomandation most influenced my decision. I think these are not very good reasons to buy a product, in the future i should also control labor (to know how the workers are treated and paid), enviromental impact (to know if the product or the production of the product is damaging for the enviroment).

  5. I have chosen the Ad called "A GOOD DAY WITH NUTELLA MAKES MORE GOOD THE LIFE",I like this Ad because the music sing by Pavarotti is really cheerful that makes you start a good day. This product provides immediatly a good moon like all the chocolate, but also the celebrity that in this case is Pavarotti, the high quality of the product because no one is able to imitat it and some promotion make it even more appetite. I don't find this Ad misleading because it shows the importance of breakfast. Honestly has already improve!!!!:D I think that there is already an improvement because NUTELLA is contained in a reusable container such as glasses or jugs.

  6. I have chosen the advertisement for a car: the New Beetle (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-i8icIFMLmA.
    The ad's message is that this new car is very fast and easy to drive and manouvre. Also it strikes me as very powerful, thanks to the loud and energetic music combined with the attractive and clever graphics, which cleverly play on the double meaning of the word Beetle.
    This advert caught my attention straight away because it is funny and really ticks all the boxes: it makes you smile, the idea is fantastic, the music is well known and it cheers you up and makes you feel like you could do anything.
    I Think it targets young people in particular, but doesn't exclude an older public who can identify with it, as it's an old song.
    I think this ad is very misleading, because it makes you think things about the car which could not be true because it does not really say anything about the car, it only shows you a beetle (the insect) running around, which morphs into a Beetle car; to make the spectators really understand the car, the brand should show the cost and how long the warranty lasts, and other things that are important to know when you buy a car.
    At the moment I can't really say that this car would improve my life because I couldn't drive it anyway, though I think that if I could drive it would make my existence easier, as would any decent car.
    Before buying something, I usually take into consideration the price and the appearance on the shelf more than anything else; however when I buy household items ( when my parents pay), I also check the country of origin ( I prefer Italian brands if possible) and the environmental impact.
    I am affected by the popularity of a product but I try to avoid buying it if everyone else has got one. Obviously if I really like it I would buy it anyway.
    I probably need to be more careful when I make my purchases even though I don't have much money getting the better brands that in the long run might work out to be better value for money.

  7. I have chosen the advertisement that called "Granarolo alta qualità": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-MDvEtB-GU

    This ad shows how the milk Granarolo comes into our homes.It wants us to believe that it is a fresh milk and that has a high quality. the message is that"granarolo is the best milk because it is straight from the cow". It makes you buy this milk because it seems so natural and healthy, but in reality it is not. No one takes you home milk with a cow, and is not the "milk of Lola"!!
    I think that for many people is misleading,maybe even for me but i think that this productwould not improve my life (first because i hate milk, and then because is like the other milk. Now there are the machines that distribute milk and I think they are cheaper (because you can buy the same milk but at a lower price), and ecological (because you can use everytime the same bottleand this lowers the pollution). In my opinion all the milk is the same because all the milk come from the cows and and there are no differences between them.

  8. The ad is about Danacol, a sort of yoghurt that should reduce the quantity of cholesterol.
    The techniques used are the following: celebrity endorsement, because it is promoted by Raffaella Carrà; personal testimonial, in fact the ad takes place in the italian village of Castell'Arquato and is promoted by its own inhabitants. Another technique used is the product quality, because the efficacy of Danacol has been demostrated by the Policlinico Gemelli.
    The ad is targeting to people, male and female, aged over 40 or, in general, who has cholesterol problems.
    Furthermore the ad advices to do sport and have a healthy diet when taking the product.
    I think that if I had cholesterol problems that product would not improve my life and that doing sport and eating healthy food is enough to be fine.

  9. I have chosen the ad that advertises Actimel:
    This ad employs the humor technique and appeals immediately because of the image of a woman that becomes a lioness after having drank Actimel. The message included in the ad is that if you drink Actimel, you will feel powerful and full of energy, like the lioness. Another attracting thing is the musical background that makes you feel strong because of the rhythm. It is target to teenagers and adults because in these periods of age people are often tired and need energy and Actimel is the possible answer to this need. I think that this spot is not misleading because it is a kind of yoghurt full of vitamins and vitamins are good for our immune system. It says also that it will reduce your feeling of tiredness and this is possible too, because there are some kind of products like caffeine and others that decrease your feeling only covering it with the sensation of being stronger. I do not think that this product will improve my life because I think that this won’t improve any lives !!! I think that the most important criteria to chose a product instead of another are the appearance, the brand loyalty, the country of origin, the recommendation and last but not least the price. The advertising is an important aspect to follow, but a lot of times they are misleading. That is why I did not mention it before. I’ve never thought very much of the environmental impact caused by creating a product but I think that this is very important too and in the future I will pay more attention to this aspect.

  10. The ad that I have chosen is called pasta barilla.
    By watching this ad you detect the lovely and cheerful atmosphere that this kind of pasta brings in your family.
    Furthermore an other important role is played by the musical background that reinforces this message, it sounds calm and relaxing.
    That means that the ad gives weight in particular on feelings and emotions: by buying this product the atmosphere in your family will be happier and joyful.
    I think it targets especially adults, or anyway who goes shopping.
    I believe the ad is definitely misleading. It’s not by buying the pasta barllia that the atmosphere in a family will get better.

  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7U83sponKY
    This is an ad of the last year posted by the famous italian chain "intimissimi". I think this is one of many spots that looks women like objects and gives to young girls the wrong idea that beautifulness coincide with a perfect body.
